ProfLT versions

Create and draw longitudinal and cross profiles within your CAD environment
Sep 22, 2016
Sep 12, 2015
Dec 8, 2014
Aug 27, 2014
Nov 3, 2012
Apr 12, 2012
Mar 9, 2011
Jul 20, 2010
Jun 18, 2010
May 1, 2010
Feb 3, 2013
Jul 21, 2009

What's new

v11.4 [Sep 22, 2016]
- Adaptation for BricsCAD V16.
- Adaptation for Windows 10.

v11.3 [Sep 12, 2015]
Adaptation for ZwCAD 2015 SP1;
When saving configuration in file now the files associated to configuration are also saved, respectively the files with rows, codes, layers and lines.

v11.2 [Dec 8, 2014]
- Adaptation for ZwCAD 2015, BricsCAD V15 and for AutoCAD 2015.

v10.5 [Nov 3, 2012]
- Adaptation for BricsCAD V13.

v10.4 [Apr 12, 2012]
Adaptation for AutoCAD 2013, BricsCAD V12, CADian 2011, ProgeCAD 2011 and ZwCAD 2012.
It was introduced the possibility to draw empty rows in the profiles tables.
At the additional rows it is possible to choose the way to generate the vertical lines that mark the texts.
For the rows with vertically written texts it was introduced the possibility to arrange text to avoid overlapping.
It was introduced the CalcDcl command to calculate and draw polyline gradients in row.
CalcZ command was improved, now you can choose also points to calculate projected heights, also you can avoid the overlapping of the texts.
For rows calculated with CalcZ and CalcDcl commands you can choose at configuration the text height and width.
For longitudinal profiles that contain objects it was introduced the possibility to draw or not the elevation and the height of the object and also the elevation of the object bottom.
Now the codes that contain " " character are accepted.
It was removed an error that occurs when the points from profile have negative heights which means the profiles are incorrectly drawn.

v10.3 [Mar 9, 2011]
- Adapted to work on BricsCAD V11.2.3.
- Improvements made for operating in program's tables.
- Fixed that occurred at profiles positioning in page when profiles overdrew the available space from page.

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